Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Eighth Chapter

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the first portion that I have composed as a member of this project. My chapter has taken on a bit more of a philosophical and psychological tone, as opposed to a more narrative one. This is not the best example of my writing, because I am not a narrative writer. However, I do plan to make better contributions as time progresses. All feedback is certainly welcome. )

Suffice it to say, the pie did not obtain its intended effect. The man retained his life. Mere edible items were not sufficient cause for a preconceived murderous effect. The physical realization of one's innermost aspirations and desires should not interfere with the quality of one's humanity. The end does not justify the means to realize that end.

Tim should have been capable of grasping this basic concept; however, dehumanization impeded his cognitive abilities. He was longer able to claim the term 'humanity' as a defining characteristic of his being. One persistent thought consumed him in a manner similar as to how a fire consumes a forest: murder. The human body is essentially an object of more complexity than a simple animal organism, but when one is in pursuit of a malevolent aim, this argument loses its validity.

The only object that was of sanctity to Tim was his weapon. As he contemplated its value in his vehicle, Tim realized that his sole purpose for his existence was to realize his singular aspiration: to avenge the man who murdered his parents. If he failed to accomplish this goal, then his existence would possess no justification.

Tim drove off into the desert. (EDIT: Can there exist a desert? Is it permissible to abruptly modify the landscape without any previous explanation?) Exasperated and exhausted, he decided to take his lodgings at a local motel. As he climbed the stairs to seek refuge within the confines of his alcove, the meek light disappeared from Tim's sight. An object, cold and distant in nature, was raised to Tim's head. The man who possessed the cold, malicious object spoke to Tim, distantly whispering in his ear: "Now do you like them apples now?"

Friday, September 10, 2010

Chapter 7

"Dude, what the hell?" Tim said, fiercely, backing away from the boy standing in the doorway.
The boy smiled. "Have a seat, Tim, I haven't seen you in ages."
"Erm, yeah..." Tim said, nervously, taking small steps towards the front door. He needed to get out of there, his head crowded with memories, anything was better than this... the meeting!

"I, um, I'm going to a meeting," Tim said, defiantly.
"No, stay! Let's chat. Would you like a drink?" the boy said, cordially.
"Drink?" Tim thought, his head feeling very wary and heavy from the booze he skolled in the car. "Um, cordial please."

Once Tim and the boy were seated, each with a glass of raspberry cordial in their hands, Tim spoke.
"You've been living here? Alone?"
"Yes. Just me and the stray cats who scratch at my door every night," the boy said, waving a hand as if to dismiss those thoughts.
"I'm sorry, little bro," Tim apologised, "I couldn't stay here, you know that."
"To avenge Mum and Dad's deaths?" the boy said, angrily, "You didn't have to! Just because of your freakish nature! Yeah, I've read the papers, I know it all."
Tim glanced at the pile of tattered papers in the corner of the room. He gulped. "I never meant to.."
'What?" the boy said, "Never meant to put me in danger? Police coming here, raiding the house, how do you think I feel?"
"Police? Here?" Tim said, bewildered, "Luke..."
"Well, they came once. Looking for you, I suspect," Luke replied, sighing.
"I'd better go," Tim said, standing up and picking his jacket off the floor in one swift motion.
"Whatever." Luke looked down at his feet, not saying anything.

As Tim headed back out to his car, he waved, just in case his brother was watching from the window. Jumping in the car, Tim drank the remains of the whisky and drove off.

EDIT (am I allowed to add something here? Please?): Once he got to the meeting, Tim reached into the glove department and grabbed the apple pie that he kept in case he was ever lost in the desert and had nothing to eat.
Leaving the manila folder where it lay, Tim got out of the car and briskly walked to the front door.

The door swung open just as Tim got there and a voice said, "I've been expecting you."
Tim walked in the room, holding a steaming hot apple pie in his hands.
"Supper?" the man asked, looking at the pie.
"You wish," Tim said, and aimed the pie right at the man's face. "How do you like them apples?"
Tim quickly hurried away, cautious not to look back. Out of all the ways of killing someone with his capabilities, that was the best.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Chapter 6

No answer.

Tim reached for the doorknob expecting it to be locked but the door swung open casting a shadow on a long hallway. Tim took glanced around the room, the light from the door revealed a set of stair to the left and a dark hallway in front of him.
He took one step into the room then stopped himself. “I need to leave, I have to go to this meeting” he muttered but, unable to stop himself, he took another step into the room. “HELLO!” Tim yelled, the words echoed down the long hallway.

No answer.

Walking into the house, he fumbled for the light switch, somehow knowing where it was, and a dim light flickered on lighting the shadows. Noticing a door just to his right he opened it and walked in,
Getting an eerie feel from the room, Tim turned around to leave when something caught his eye. It was a photo. Tim knew this photo. He picked it up and took a closer look. There were three boys in the photograph, all standing next to each other in what looked to be medical robes. One boys face he was sure he had never seen before but another face seemed to flip a switch in Tim’s brain, causing his blood to boil and setting off a chain reaction that caused some memories Tim had hoped would stay repressed to begin to surface. As Tim finally recognized the final boy a voice came from the doorway.
“we were so cute back then….”

Monday, August 16, 2010

Chapter 5

Tim let the top down of the steel-blue convertible. It had been a long time since he had driven such a car and was determined to take pleasure from the experience. The car was classy, but not too flashy. The kind of vehicle people would later have trouble describing - the Make being explained as a “nice car” and the colour ranging from silver to turquoise - but was still enough to draw attention away from the person driving it.
As the bright lights of the city grew softer and slowly diminished behind him, Tim reached for a dial on the dashboard and the sound of ambient keyboards and light percussion grew louder, creating a seductive soundtrack to the impromptu drive. A map, a bottle of whiskey and a manila folder lay on the passenger seat. Only one belonging to Tim, but all were welcomed.
As if remembering the items beside him Tim reached for the bottle of whiskey. Gripping the neck with his fist he used his thumb to unscrew the lid, then threw back his head and poured the liquid down his throat. Vulgar stuff, he thought, but was glad for it all the same.
The Agency had been quick, this time. Less than a day. They must have had men on a flight into the country the second the bodies had been found. That was unless their men had already been in the country. The thought made Tim grimace. He didn’t consider the Agency to be trouble, more of an annoyance, really, but there were some people would be more than bothered by the instantaneous response. Regrettably, Tim was going to need to face those people shortly. He took another swig from the bottle. He was not looking forward to the approaching meeting.
Tim placed the open bottle upright in his lap, gripping it with his knees, and used his free hand to massage the bridge of his nose. He sighed, brushing the thoughts off, and took to watching the scenery flitter past. It was still a long way to the meeting place so he might as well enjoy the landscape.
A flicker of recognition in the corner of Tim’s eye caused him to turn the steering wheel sharply and he jammed his foot down heavily on the brake. The whisky spilt across his lap and the car skid to a stop on the side of the road.
Hardly noticing the alcohol running down his leg Tim stood to look out over the windows and their salt-stained glass. Without moving his eyes, Tim reached into his pocket and withdrew an aging photograph.
The house itself seemed to have yellowed with age almost as much as the photograph in his hand. The whole scene sort of looked yellowy and crinkly around the edges. Like the old, poorly-kept photograph, time had not treated the place well. The stone walls were riddled with cracks and had become more ivy than stone anyway. The slate roof was patchy and the garden deceased but, despite it all, the place still managed to look grand. An unidentifiable grey emotion flashed across Tim’s face.
Leaving the whisky where it had fallen, Tim leaped from the convertible Hollywood style, just in case someone happened to be watching from the grim-streaked windows. Somewhere in Tim’s mind he knew he should continue driving and hurry to this meeting, but that could wait. He’d found something more important, more… interesting.
The ground was muddy but Tim’s large boots were reluctant to notice the slippery surface. Tim looked down at the photograph, apparently oblivious to the deep, black mud, and ran his thumb across the three small people who stood in the foreground. They must have stood about where he was now…
He shook his head, dislodging thoughts of the past, and agilely climbed the steps to the front door. The same grey look from before passed across his face and he leaned against the doorframe. Counting five deep breaths, he lifted his hand and knocked on the door.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chapter 4(?)

Paul Barret paced around the body, his footsteps loud and echoing in the cold, sterile room. Never before had he seen such an anomaly. No gunshot wounds, no lacerations, no signs of a struggle, not even a drop of blood on his suit. The autopsy had revealed no further clues to the man's death, no internal bleeding, no poison, nothing.
And yet, when they had found him, it was clear the man was in as much pain as the human body could process when he had died. Paul couldn't help but to shudder, the contorted body, covered in sweat and tears, the man had bitten his own tongue off before dieing, it was all still fresh in his mind.

The chief would be down soon, looking for answers, looking for evidence, looking for any sort of clue to give them direction. But he had nothing but what they already knew. And what they knew, in a way, made them know even less. As Andres had realized at the crime scene, the body belonged to El Alacrán, the biggest crime lord in South America. This was further proven when Paul had matched the dead man's DNA to that in their database. But El Alacrán had been unseen for years, and then to suddenly show up, dead, in some insignificant warehouse?

The other men left even fewer clues. They too lacked any wounds or inflictions. It seemed eight men had simply dropped dead for no reason at all. Their DNA had to be run through the entire database in search of a match, it would take days for any result.

Paul checked his watch, seconds to midday. The Chief had said he'd be down at noon, and ever punctual, Paul heard the tapping of his footsteps approaching down the hall.
Moments later the door burst open, "You'd better have something"
Paul sighed, "Well... it is El Alacrán"
"Well that answers a helluva lot!" the Chief said sarcastically, "Cause of death? Evidence of the killer?"
Paul slowly shook his head.
"Great. So all we got is eight dead dudes in a warehouse. With absolutely no sign of a killer"
"Have you spoken to forensics?" Hopefully they might have something to lighten the Chiefs mood, Paul thought hopefully.
"They haven't been through much analysis yet, but they're predicting all the fired shells are from the body guards pistols."
"I'm sure we'll find something... it's only been two nights."
"But still, in two nights you expect to find more than nothing!" while the Chief was a brilliant detective, his temper often got a hold of him.
"Chief, Carlos, I'm sure we'll find something..."
The two fell into silence, looking down at El Alacrán's body in thought.

Their thoughts were interrupted by a 'tap tap' of heels on tiles, quickly approaching. Three suited men entered the Autopsy room, their immaculate black suits, dark sunglasses and Secret Service-like ear pieces breathed trouble.
"Um... can I help you? This is a restricted area..." Paul said nervously.
"We are with the Agency. We'll be in charge of the of this investigation now."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Chapter 3

The microwave hummed away as the apple pie went round and round.
Within one second of the beep, Tim had swiftly got the pie out and onto a place.
Once Tim was sitting down, the phone rang. It rang a few times and the answering machine picked up.
"Tim, are you there? ... It's all over the news... the El Alacrán, found in an empty warehouse, no bullet wounds or anything, where were you last night?"
Tim sighed, and picked up the phone. "Look, man, my pie's going cold, what do you want?" Tim said, with a voice of steel.
"I'm watching the news. Where were you last night?" the guy repeated, his voice low and concerned, "They'll know it was you. It's always you."
"I'm fine, okay? They can think what they want. They wouldn't know their arse from their armpit," Tim replied, crudely and hung up.
Bitterly, Tim warmed up the pie again. He liked it hot.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chapter 2

The crack of gunshots fractured the still quiet of the night. Cat drew her coat more tightly around her body and quickened her step, this wasn’t a bad neighbourhood, but things were a bit crazy these days. She cursed her boss for sending her on this stupid errand when she should have been home an hour ago.

“Stupid old hag,” Cat muttered to herself as she turned down the street. “Why does she need those papers picked up at this hour, anyway?”

She soon reached destination, an old building that used to house the company Cat worked at until they moved several months ago. The building was rarely used these days. Occasionally someone would come by to collect documents or something in the storage out back, but otherwise it was unused. Despite this, the security system was kept strong, to keep out the gangs, they said.

Cat pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door. She walked in and quickly deactivated the alarms when they started beeping at her.

“Right, third floor, room 22,” she said, as she set off. The place was starting to make her a little nervous. She’d been here plenty of times during the day, but at night, with nobody around, it was a different story. The stairs seemed to echo much more than usual, and the door to the office seemed to make an awfully loud noise as it slammed shut behind her. Cat turned on the light and surveyed the room. It was a typical office, largely empty bar some filing cabinets sitting forlorn in the corner, next to a window overlooking the warehouse floor, where the company had stored its merchandise before the move.

She walked over to the filing cabinet, pulling out the required documents. At least these were easy to find, she thought. The move had resulted in many lost documents. As she turned to go, something on the warehouse floor caught her eye, illuminated be the pool of light from the office window. She turned for a better look. And screamed.

“I don’t know what to make of it, chief. Eight men all armed with pistols, none with any bullet wounds.” The detective’s voice was tinged with confusion.

“Do we have a cause of death?” replied the chief.

“Not yet. Forensics wants to go over them before we send them to the coroner.”

“Of course. Keep me posted.” The chief look over the scene, thinking. He had seen many crime scenes before, but this one ranked near the top for perplexity. Seven men in uniform, each were carrying empty or partly empty silenced pistols, but none with any bullet wounds. And then there was the eighth man. He was lying apart from the others, and was dressed in a suit rather than a uniform. Bodyguards, then?

He walked up to a man crouched over the body. “What have you got, Andres? Do we know who he is?”

“I think I do. It’s him, Carlos. It’s El Alacrán.”

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chapter 1

Tim’s blood dripped into two drops on the grey cement. He smiled and licked the cut across his hand, relishing the salty taste that lingered on his tongue. He was standing in the centre of a warehouse that was virtually empty besides him and the seven bodies that littered the floor. A single man stood opposite him.
The man ejected the empty clip from his pistol and reloaded the chamber. He raised the gun, taking aim at Tim for the second time, but Tim spoke before the man could shoot.
“I know what you must be thinking.” Tim’s voice was monotone, a cold emptiness. “You’re wondering how it is I bleed?” he again ran his tongue along the cut on his hand. “To bleed means I must have a pulse. To have a pulse means I must have a heart. How can a monster have a heart, you ask? How can a monster bleed? I’ve wondered the same thing.”
Cold sweat dripped from the man’s wrinkled brow. “There is nothing to wonder.” he tried to snarl but his timidness outdid his ferocity. “You are a monster.”
Tim smiled again, cold and calculated. When he spoke again it was still in that empty monotone voice. “Of course I am a monster. But if I do not lack a heart then what is it that makes me one?”
“You kill in cold blood!” The man shouted without thinking, his gun lowering a fraction.
“Killing in cold blood makes you a monster?” Tim chuckled. “Then let me tell you a story about a little boy who grew up to be the largest crime lord in Columbia.”
“What?” The man stumbled back a few steps and his gun dropped to his side.
Tim continued as if the man had not spoken. “He was twelve years old when he first joined a gang. Fifteen when he first killed. He had pressed a gun to the temple of a miserable man unable to afford his sinful lifestyle. Killing, dealing in drugs and weapons, he rose through the ranks of the gang, eventually taking over the leadership. He installed his brother as mayor and became virtually untouchable. Rivals and threats were tortured and murdered; even his own son…” Tim let his voice trail off.
The man’s eyes were wide and terrified. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I don’t know.” Tim stepped forward leisurely. “What do you think is a suitable punishment for a monster?”